audit practitioners around the world.
Call for further information ℹ️ 9773464206
Candidates will have two years to complete the Internal Audit Practitioner program from the date approved into the program. You may showcase this designation on your CV or resume for a three-year validity. No CPE is required and the designation is non-renewable after three years.
Who Should Pursue Internal Audit Practitioner Designation?
University Students - Graduating with the Internal Audit Practitioner designation reflects your commitment to entering the profession with the fundamental knowledge needed to begin contributing immediately.
Beginner Internal Auditors - Obtaining this designation allows you to make a statement about your knowledge and aptitude as you progress through the CIA program.
Rotational Internal Auditors - This designation is ideal for rotational auditors as it quickly demonstrates your knowledge and aptitude of The IIA Standards.
Managers of Internal Audit Activities - This designation helps demonstrate that your internal auditors are well-versed in internal audit basics and establishes a common foundation of skills and knowledge related to internal audit best practices.
Program Overview
5 syllabus domains, each dealing with a set of IIA Standards
2-hour examination
100 multiple-choice questions
Testing Center or Online Testing
Two years to complete the examinations once approved
Three years to designation validity after passing
Three years to enroll in the CIA
One Hundred Self-Study Practice Questions Included with approved application
Find your local chapter.
Online Testing
To support the continued professional development of certification candidates around the world and in response to test center closures, The IIA is now offering online testing in some regions
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